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  • Writer's picturedkomforti

The Fountain of Youth

Time Machine

Forget about botox and fillers, let's talk about a real game-changer. The real fountain of youth lies in strength training. However, many people hesitate to dive into strength training if they've never tried it before, often swayed by internet skeptics who claim...

  • “Strength training? That's risky.”

  • “Lifting weights? It's a recipe for disaster.”

  • “At my age, building muscle or getting stronger seems impossible, so why bother?”

Here at New Horizons Physical Therapy, we're on a mission to debunk these myths and make strength training accessible to everyone, from our young athletes to our seasoned enthusiasts in their golden years. Strength training isn't just for the young guns; it's for everyone, especially as we age.

Between 50 and 70, we experience an approximate 8% decline in muscle mass annually. Now, don't let this statistic bring you down. It's crucial to acknowledge it and take actionable steps.

As we age, our muscles undergo changes leading to a decline in physical well-being. There's sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass, and dynapenia, which is a reduction in muscle strength. Additionally, our power, the ability to generate force rapidly, dwindles with age. These factors collectively contribute to a decline in functional abilities - think getting up from a chair, getting off the floor, or crossing the street swiftly.

We've long hailed strength training as the elixir of youth, but some argue that its efficacy diminishes with age. However, a recent study published in 2024, showcased that resistance training indeed enhances strength, muscle mass, and physical performance in older adults aged 65 to 85+!

This study aimed to compare the effects of strength training between two age groups: adults aged 65–75 and those over 85. Remarkably, after just 12 weeks, both age groups exhibited increased muscle mass, enhanced strength, and improved physical function. And the cherry on top? There were no significant discrepancies in improvements between the age groups, indicating that older adults who were 85+ years old experienced the same benefits as their younger counterparts!

If you can enhance muscle mass and elevate your quality of life within just 12 weeks, imagine the possibilities over months, years, or even a lifetime!

Here are a few key points regarding strength training as we age:

  1. Consistency matters, so find an activity you enjoy.

  2. Your regimen should be sufficiently challenging and progressive over time to induce true adaptations.

  3. Prioritize power because muscle power tends to decline faster than strength.

At New Horizons Physical Therapy, we're rewriting the rules. Age is no barrier to strength training, and we're eager to help you embark on this journey. Being older doesn't mean resigning to weakness. For us, time spent in the gym is an investment in our future quality of life. By staying active and strength training now, we're securing our ability to enjoy life to the fullest in the years to come.

We refuse to let our health hinder our enjoyment of life. We want to say YES to life's adventures as we age, and we know many of you share this sentiment. So, if you need that extra push or you're searching for a solution to maintain or increase muscle mass, preserve independence and functionality as you age, perform daily tasks with ease, or elevate your quality of life, then strength training is the answer.

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